Ready to Connect & Cultivate Creativity?

The FREE community call for creative therapists and helpers, will be held on Zoom on Wednesday October 23rd 3:00-4:00pm EDT.

  • Are you a therapist or helper who hates small talk - your idea of fun is deep talks about living courageous and connected lives?
  • Do you want to think creatively about how you can use your skills in a way that lights you up and makes an impact?
  • Are you interested in exploring how to add more creativity into your professional and person life?

Our general topic: HOW to cultivate creativity in our personal and professional lives as therapists or helpers. What does this really mean and look like?

We will introduce ourselves, talk about places we might feel stuck, and talk about ways to think outside of the box when it comes to cultivating creativity in our work and personal lives.

Sample questions that could be asked/answered:

  • How are you engaging with creativity in your work and/or personal life?
  • What are the things that light you up the most? That feel like freedom :)
  • Shawn, what have you learned about pursuing work that doesn't feel like work? And how on earth do we make money doing it?